Hello & Welcome to UONTKD!

We are University of Nottingham's Taekwondo Club!
Taekwondo is a fun, fast and effective martial art which helps improve coordination, confidence, flexibility and general fitness, while equipping one for real-life self-defence. We practise the WT (Olympic) form of the Korean Martial Art through an enjoyable and rewarding syllabus of competition sparring, pattern-work and self-defence.

We are a friendly, open club, and we get involved in numerous social outings and trips to national events, both to compete and spectate. We take part in the British Student Taekwondo Federation’s (BSTF) Championship Series each year, as well as National TTA Tournaments.

As part of the Traditional Taekwondo Association (TTA), all our members are personally graded by Grandmaster T. K. Loh (9th Dan). The club is instructed by Gary Skinner (5th Dan) and is assisted by several other BTC registered instructors including our performance coach Colin West (4th Dan).

Training Times


Meet the 2020/21 Committee

COVID-19 Guidelines


Come train with us by booking on https://uon-taekwondo.reservio.com !

Our Training times are as follows:
Mondays 19:30 - 21:30
Tuesdays 18:00 - 20:00
Thursdays 19:30 - 21:30
Saturdays 11:00 - 14:00

Due to COVID-19, as of 5/11/20, we will be training online at the following times:
Tuesdays 19:15 - 20:15
Thursdays 19:15 - 20:15
Saturdays 11:00 - 12:00


We aim to do at least one social a week (usually on a Saturday evening). These socials vary from quiz nights to film/series nights to games nights (Jackbox games, Among Us and much more!)

We have multiple social media platforms for you to follow to keep you informed about our latest updates and social events

Please give us feedback on our socials by filling in this short form: https://forms.gle/YxzsiCpuAJCD7Y1S8


A wild Darius appeared!
Back at it again on committee. This time as le president.
Course: Undergrad Chemistry (going into second year)
When did I start Taekwondo: Circa July 2006 in South Korea.
Why did I join: I wanted to impress someone I liked at my school xD. I met my first instructor on his way to teach in his dobok and black belt and I was like “I want one” and he said, “join my class then”. I thought it would only take me a year to get it since that’s like a lifetime to a 6 year old but it took me "slightly" longer than that.
Why did I stay: I actually quit Taekwondo several times for reasons: Moved countries, injury, scared of being beaten up at sparring again, etc… I’m sure everyone who practises TKD goes through this at some point. But it turns out since I've done it for most of my life, it feels weird without it. I also like kicking people and not be charged with assault after. Now I’m here at uni and it’s been the best part of my experience here. Fitness and regularly going out, aren’t my strong points but with this club I get both and seeing all you idiots, is the part of my day I look most forward to.
Favourite technique: 540° Reverse turning kick. I’m pretty sure almost no one else in our club can do it so it makes me feel special.
Favourite pattern: Keumgang (Kukkiwon) because it has no kicks in it so I don’t have to stretch.
Favourite memory: My black belt grading. Looking back, the belt itself isn’t as important as I thought it was but nonetheless, it was the oldest long-term goal I had in mind since I could remember so it felt like a huge burden was lifted when I passed. I treat it as an example of perseverance and indomitable spirit.
Fun fact: I can do a 4 point aerial break (4 kicks) 😎😏

Hey guys! I’m Dan, the current Vice-President, and I’m here to keep an eye on our President (let’s be honest, he can’t be trusted 😛).
Course: I’m in the 2nd year of my PhD in additive manufacturing, where I’m designing a component to be used in nuclear fusion!
When did you start? I started at the start of my 3rd year of my undergrad in 2017. So I’ve been doing taekwondo for over 3 years.
Why did you start? Because one of my friends roped me into going to the taekwondo taster session (I did the same to her for boxing lol).
Fun fact: I grew out my facial hair because everyone thought I was a first year when I joined and proceeded to call me baby face 😡
Favourite technique: Reverse turning kick. Not because I can do it well, but because seeing someone else do it well during sparring is literally mind blowing (look it up on YouTube).
Favourite TKD moment: There are so many different moments that I will always carry with me. From winning medals at competitions to being piggy backed out of a restaurant during our Christmas meal. The moment I’m choosing is seeing all the new members join at the start of my second year of tkd and realising how much progress I had made in a year.
Why did I stay? Even though taekwondo wasn’t the sport that I wanted to do in the beginning, practicing a martial art is just so different when compared to the typical team sports that everyone usually does at university. Pair this with the fact that this club has the LOVELIEST people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, how could I not stay?

Name: Paris
Course: American Studies & English
When did you start? I started Taekwondo when I started uni, in September 2016
Why did you start? I was rather shy when starting uni (which I know probably seems crazy to anyone who knows me now), so I when I started uni I pledged to myself that I had to join at least one society. Growing up, I used to be quite active, so I decided that joining a sports club seemed like a good way to meet people and keep fit. I happened to walk past the Taekwondo stall at the Welcome Fair that year, and since the people on the stall were so friendly and approachable, I decided to attend a taster session. The rest is history really! I tried a couple of other sports and clubs, but here I am nearly 4 years later, and I’d gladly choose it all over again if given the opportunity.
Fun fact: My short-lived acting career began and swiftly ended after an appearance on a few episodes of a kids’ TV show, when I quickly realised I definitely do not like being on camera haha
Favourite techniques: Jebipoom mokchigi or swallow form knife hand strike that we do in Taegeuk Sa-jang (WTF). Not sure why, but I find it really satisfying to do in the poomsae.
Best/ fav tkd moment: Ooh, that’s a very hard question but I probably have to say my first Summer School. Every September we help to run a weeklong intensive training course along with other clubs from our association. As it comes just before the start of the academic year, after a long summer break it’s always tough, since I’m so unfit. However, I can still remember how much I enjoyed it. Despite the (literal) blood, sweat and tears I produced that week, I’m so glad I did it. It encouraged me to push myself physically and mentally, whilst also bonding with my fellow club mates. It’s one of the many moments I’ve had with this club that have made me realise why I love Taekwondo, as a sport, as a passion and as a club.
Why did you stay? When I started Taekwondo, I initially only did it as a way to keep fit and make friends, but it has become so much more to me than that. After nearly 4 years, 3 committee roles, several gradings and countless memories made, I’m still here and honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever want to leave. By joining I’ve not only gained a new hobby, I’ve also gained confidence, determination, increased integrity and many priceless friendships. When I started uni, I was worried about making friends, not fitting in and missing home. I know this is cheesy, but I can truly say joining UoN Taekwondo is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and has given me experiences I know I’ll carry with me way beyond my university career.

Name: Abbey
Course: Russian lang. and History
When i started: September 2018
Why i started: i used to do TKD when I was a kid, but chose dance over it when i started secondary school, when i saw we had a club at uni I knew i wanted to pick it back up.
Why is stayed: because I really like kicking things,and that’s totally cool and encouraged here. I’m only half kidding but in all seriousness I’ve made some of my best friends through the club!
Fun Fact: i just adopted a cat that ive named lucifer and she’s going to make final year bearable.
best moment; when after sparing, one of the seniors asked if i had done kickboxing before TKD, after saying no i had come from Ballet and asking why, the senior then said that I didn’t fight like a ballerina i fought like an aggressive kick-boxer and if thats not a complement i don’t know what else is.
Favourite technique: reverse hook kick or axe kick, i cant decided they are both equally as satisfying.
Favourite pattern: four directional punch (aka the easiest) because this one doesn’t confuse my delicate sense of direction.

Name: Thao not Theo, Tao, Toe, Taw, Thai etc
Course: 3rd Year Maths (Integrated masters)
When I started tkd: 2019 (2nd year)
Why I started: to get out of my comfort zone and learn something new! an added bonus is it keeps me active for two hours at least 3 times a week;)
Fun fact: i threw up a total of 8 times during an ocean social heh
Favourite technique: any kind of turning kick, they make me feel stronger than i actually am lol
Best/Fav moment: winning my first medal after the chaos of me messing up possibly everything i could have that day starting from oversleeping and having the coach outside my house to pick me up to forgetting my dobok to ordering pizza to the complete wrong city:’)
Why I stayed: there is a mixture between chaotic and wholesome behaviour in this family that i love<3 these idiots always know how to have a good time.

Name: James
Course: Civil Engineering
When I started: 2019 (2nd Year)
Why I started: I didn’t do any martial arts in my first year despite doing it for 8 years before coming to uni and I really missed it. I wanted to try a new one and almost treat it as a fresh start.
Why I stayed: From the start everyone at the club has been incredibly friendly and fun to be around at training or socials. I’ve bought the kit now so can’t really leave anyway and I’ve still competed in more competitions than gradings so would be nice to finally upgrade my yellow tag.
Fun Fact: I’m a black belt in Kung Fu and I’ve been kickboxing for 8 years. Taekwondo is different enough to be an exciting new start but still fairly familiar.
Best Moment: Winning gold sparring at TTA Individuals, it was my first Taekwondo competition and it was the best two minutes of my taekwondo career so far.
Favourite Technique: Yeop Chagi – side kick is my favourite kick. I use it the most and its extremely satisfying to solidly land one in sparring.
Favourite Pattern: Saju Jirugi – It’s the only one I know but don’t ask me to show you because I don’t actually know it.

Name: Charlie Leboff
Course: Biochemistry and Genetics (2nd year)
When and why did you start?: I started taekwondo in 2011 in an ITF (International Taekwondo Federation) club after one of my friends introduced me to it at the end of year 6. I joined to help build my confidence and learn self-defence.
Fun fact about yourself: I have a pet bearded dragon named Al. He is adorable!
Favourite technique: Back kick – it’s simple but very effective.
Favourite Pattern: Choong-Moo (ITF) – this is the 1st cup colour belt pattern that has to be learned to get 1st dan black belt. It’s particularly special to me because of that, as well as including a really fun 360o jump.
Best/fave tkd moment: Either getting my first medal in a competition in 2013 (at the LTSI world championship) or passing my black belt grading in 2016 under my instructor, Master Snow.
Why did you stay?: I stayed at UoN taekwondo because of the people in the society. They helped made my first year amazing! It also made sure I wasn’t completely lazy.


All information regarding training will be in this Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1d2oB9wtNKXj-z9sOziDmR4NVHKV8Up8s?usp=sharing

Before coming to training, please ensure you have read and understood this document. All of our measures are to make sure that we are keeping yourself and others safe and minimising all risks where possible.